It’s a fruit, not a vegetable.  The botanists are clear on this, and so should you be.  A fruit is a product of the seed-bearing structure of a flowering plant. A vegetable, on the other hand, is the edible portion of a plant, you know, like leaves, stems, roots, bulbs, and tubers.  Pumpkins are flowering plants…you don’t eat the flowers, you eat the seed-bearing bit.  That’s the fruit.  A pumpkin is a fruit.  For that matter, strictly speaking, by definition, a squash is also a fruit.  A cucumber is a fruit.  Beans, peppers, and tomatoes are fruits.  If this makes you unhappy, don’t write to me about it…go find a botanist to bully.  (Sidebar:  If you do indeed bully a botanist, do write to me about THAT.  It sounds amusing.)